Sunday, March 6, 2011

From the Sox Trace Fossil to the Music of the 1920s: The Kid's an Immortal!

Music was extemely impotant to the time period of the 1920's. Music was so important because it showed a way for people to express themselves, it let them relax and have a good time at parties and events, and it allowed a way for both whites and blacks to come together to produce something that everyone loves. It is important to the time period of the 1920's in a couple of ways. One such way music is important is because the 1920's was a whole party, and a party needs music. Different genres of music came out, but jazz was the most common type of music people listened to. That is why this is called the Jazz Age. Another way that music was important is because it mixed many racial tensions together. They mixed, and this became a good thing because whites were playing music that blacks usually made. This allowed for their to peace and happiness in America. The theme that music represents is theme 1, or the Growth of the Celebrity. This is because everyone wanted to be like eachother, and when everyone is listening to the same type of music at parties, then music will make itself even more popular. That is how music was extremely important to the time period of the 1920's.

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