Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reader of Rushdie Revved up about New York!

Judy Jones is a character in the short story “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. She is the definition of what so many girls were like in the 1920’s; rich, self-centered, and a gold digger, meaning that she is going to marry for wealth. She manipulates people so that she benefits and always gets her way. Nobody says “no” to Judy Jones. People like Judy were very important to making the 1920’s the way that it was. The 20’s are portrayed as a very fun, energetic time was the young women ruled. Judy was this woman. Men waited for her, men always came back to her, and men always gave her what she wanted. Judy relates to theme six, the magnitude of me, because she only thought of herself. She did not care if what she was doing was hurting others, because she was benefiting from everything she did. She cared for herself and only herself.

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